
My idyllic hometown, Portsmouth, NH.

Thursdays are my “JUST WRITE: No exceptions” days (I find it helpful to subtitle my personal commitments; it gives more weight to them), and this one has been pretty successful. I completed Chapter-izing my novel, which was a really necessary step in editing since I’m too enamored with my own witty language to be able to cut any single sentences from my novel. Viewed as a chapter list with a few bullet points under each chapter will help me to rearrange elements, spot plot holes, and eliminate superfluous characters (sorry, Robert…).

I also got to start reading an epub version of a fellow NaNoWriMo-er’s novel from November. It’s RILLY good so far.
AWESOME, right? I’m so impressed that he has it all available to iPhones and stuff already! I need this kick in the rear to get my ass in gear…
Whilst you all await my genius novel, I leave you with February’s 10-sentence Story Cube project from this month’s writing group.
First, the cubes:

Direction(from Hasbro)

The pale polished wood grain made the pitch black form of the letters stark and plain, eloquent in their directness. Somehow they’d ended up in order, face down, on their tumble out of the Scrabble sack, and as she racked them she slowed with each reveal, wondering if she was hallucinating as she placed each letter next to its predecessor.
She’d been silently and patiently awaiting a sign ever since the wedding day–an indication, a direction, an arrow pointing her to the path of freedom. She’d never wanted to get married, but after 10 happy years together, his persistence had overcome her will. The rings were a bridge to a world she had never wanted to visit.
For months, she sought an escape, an out, anything to get her out of the prison she’d been confined to by her own altared words. The truth would hurt him too much, and every time she gathered the nerve, the words stayed choked in her throat. But as the seventh tile hit the rack and she sat staring at the lifeline that Fate had thrown her in this obvious yet unsuspected way, she felt at ease for the first time in a year.
Of course, she thought as she played the word onto the sterile plastic board, it’s so simple: A-R-S-E-N-I-C.

Some have called me the female Stephen King, but… most of those people live inside my head, so…

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WHEN is Skitch coming to the iPhone? According to their site, it’s “coming soon”… According to their blog, they’re hiring people as of September who are good with iOS, so… safe to say it won’t be, like, tomorrow. Sigh. The ONE thing Android has going for it… the ONE thing. As far as I’m concerned.

I want to do THIS:

on my phone! (I did that on my Mac—thank HEAVENS there’s at least a Mac App for it)


My novel editing is going… very slowly. What was a blast to write and a thrill to finish is becoming a huge task to refine. I’m too close to it. I think it’s brilliant. It cracks me up. It’s hilarious. The problem is, there are huge plot holes! Things just don’t make sense beginning to end! They all make sense on a micro scale, but overall they need to be shifted around. I need to break them off into sections and rearrange them without looking at the individual paragraphs… I’m just too attached to my own perceived hilarity. It’s a real problem.

Here’s some great writing advice from David Oglivy:

 “If all else fails, I drink half a bottle of rum and play a Handel oratorio on the gramophone. This generally produces an uncontrollable gush of copy. The next morning I get up early and edit the gush… I am a lousy copywriter, but I am a good editor.”

So wise.

I’ll temporarily shift my writing to the 10-sentence story inspired by my Story Cubes. Here’s what I was cast in the last Creative Writing Group meeting:

Ten sentences… 
…and I’m off!
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Oh man oh man oh man.

You know when you finish a major project and you’re all, “Woo! Now I can relax! I am going to have SOOO much free time!” and then a few days go by and you fill your time with so many things that you’re excited to be able to do again that… you are still exhausted!

Welp, that is totally happening to me right now. Today I had NOTHING to do after work, but after some quality roomie time, watching the new What Not To Wear show (it’s the ONLY show I enjoy that is NOT available ANYWHERE online, which irks me), cleaning up my room, and settling in to bed only to discover all these productivity/organization tools take serious time to set up… here I am after 10pm and still going strong. In fact, I’ve had to pee for about 30 minutes and am so caught up in what I’m doing that I haven’t had the time to stop and go down the hall to my bathroom.

So. A few things I’d like to share out of sheer excitement at their existence!

#1: Evernote.
I’ve just discovered this, and already am super psyched about it. Basically, it does everything I’ve known was possible for years but have never found one program that is SUPER INTUITIVE and super easy and super fast that does all those things. Short reminders, longer notes for reference, web links (I’m going to move all my Google Bookmarks there, since they are discontinuing lists (which is the ONLY reason I was using them in the FIRST place!), etc., etc., &c.
I’d love to use it more for work, since it is so exactly perfect for my crazy busy Administratvie Assistant/Copywriter/Scheduler/Gopher/Social Media Manager/Keeper-tracker-of-everything-er job, and I am somewhat using it, but currently I’m at the bottom of a long totem pole of computers, and I’ve got what  I’m quite positive is the last of the non-Intel, PowerPC Macs (a G5, pretty good speed, but… no bueno for being able to upgrade any programs, use anything Mac App-related, Chrome, etc., all won’t run on a PowerPC processor), so although thankfully Evernote is available for PowerPCs, it’s got a disclaimer that it’s a non-supported version and upgrades aren’t available, so it makes me nervous to rely on it much…

BUT. Super amazing life program! 🙂 Maybe, just MAYBE, when my Franklin Covey Classic 7Habits planner refils run out in June, I’ll go all digital with my life planning. We’ll see.

Here’s an adorable video promoting it. I have to say, the ad style, the voice, the elephants in the sky… all convinced me to try it.

Oh, also it’s free. You can pay $5 at any time to boost your upload limit/amount for that month, but your cumulative upload/memory size is unlimited!

#2: My desk fetish is fueled by this image from a random spam-mailed ad:

Le sigh. Right?

#3: Shoeboxed.

Dude, it’s like the Netflix for cluttery paperwork! You sign up for a certain level of membership, starting at $9.95, and then you can just cram reciepts, bills, etc., into these envelopes and send them off, and someone scans them and they appear in digital forms online, and– get this– there’s an auto-import option to your Evernote account, which also contains text-recognition, which means even notes you jot on recieipts will be searchable on your COMPOOPER! Amazeballs, right?

Now, I don’t know if my trust level is up to snuff with this. I’m sure the Shoeboxed folk are fully certified and professionals who deal with important papers a lot… I think I’d be more worried about mail-handlers. I mean, I love every single USPS employee I’ve ever known. They have to go through all sorts of background checks, have to sign all sorts of things and swear by all sorts of gods, and have super cushy Federal jobs I’m sure they don’t want to risk, but… ever since my Mom warned me that she heard that some post office employee told her that some guy that one time would steal checks if he could tell they were in envelopes, I’ve always wrapped rent checks in other paper to make them look like letters so it’s less obvious.

This is a ridiculous fear for several reasons: a) nowadays, people can’t really steal from you with a check, as most places require ID, and fraud is so easily reported and you get your money back when someone obviously rips you off, and b) my mother is paranoid about everything, even to this day, and c) I’m pretty sure that just doesn’t happen anymore… it has NEVER happened to me or anyone I’ve ever heard of.

But. This envelope screams “I HAVE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN ME!” To anyone who might  be familiar with this company at all, and I’m assuming it’ll grow in recognition if it does well … so it just seems like tempting fate to me. Although… everyone knows that Netflix envelopes have DVDs in them, and they NEVER get stolen. At least, that I’ve ever heard of. So. Silly fear.

And anyway, I just think this is a great time-saving idea. And that’s the kick I’m on lately, so this was right up the alley of eye candy por moi!

Okie dokles, kids, I’m off to bed. Let’s see if showering tonight will help my morning routine be less rushed tomorrow (I keep trying the “waking up earlier” route and… it just doesn’t happen for me! Suggestions welcome…).



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Oh hey, how’s it going?
Me? Not much, why?

Oh, I forgot:

I’m off to get a celebratory pint, but let me just, if I may before I leave you, state that this whole experience has been amazing!
My novel has a beginning, a middle, and an end! There are a ton of plot holes along the way, but I know what it’s ABOUT now! So when I get to the revision process, which I might not do until January… I will be able to rewrite sections and streamline and make it all make sense.
Huzzah! I love books.
The End.
Or is it?…
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I’ve been coasting by these last few days, feeling much like a famished person in a dark, cold desert, seeing fire and water everywhere but not ever quite reaching refreshment or warmth. You see, for the last three days, I’ve been typing away tying to make the numbers on my spreadsheet tell me that I will have to type 3,000 words or less to meet the 50k goal on Wednesday… Now, I’m no math whiz, and more importantly I have no brain power left after writing thousands of words each night, but… each night, I hit around 2700 or 2800 and the spreadsheet then says I have less than 3000 words to write the next day to meet my goal… I don’t really understand. Maybe by Dec 3rd or 4th it’ll hit my recuperated brain and I’ll come back here and edit this post to remove all proof of my sheer idiocy. Hey, wanna see my spreadsheet?

Sexy, huh? It somehow keeps me clacking away without distraction to try figure out all those totals every day. 
What else is going on? Um.
I just looked up at Conan and saw that Jason Seigel has some facial hair… just a dusting, but it’s disconcerting. It’s just a hint of peach fuzzy goatee… Way to be creepy, dude! I kid, I still love you.
I sleepy. Night night.
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You guessed it, kids, it’s time for another Wordle!

Aren’t you excited to see some other words starting to grow in usage outside of “Just around one”?


So, great Thanksgiving! Wrapped it up in this cool Inn on Old Orchard Beach, the Atlantic Birches Inn, owned by some family of family. It was pretty sweet digs– guarded by THESE chaps:

Friendly! Anyhoo, after gorging myself Thanksgiving day, I just didn’t have enough of the tasty veggie side dishes, and I made this delectable goodness!

Photos cannot begin to describe to you just how amazing it tasted to eat these quartered brussel sprouts, sliced carrots and garlic. Just mixed with a wee hint of oil and roasted til browned… Mmmm-mmm! This will become a staple in my life. Except for days like today when damned Market Basket is out of damned brussel sprouts! Gah! (Don’t judge my frozen Banquet fried chicken. I live a busy life with NaNoWriMo!)

So, that about brings me up to date until TODAY! TODAY was super fun! I took a jaunt down to Lowell to see my great friend and former colleague, Bartley, in Disney’s Phineas and Ferb Live! tour. I went down with a friend and we left early enough to swing by the Kerouac Commemorative on the way between the parking garage and the arena!

This excerpt from On The Road really rekindled that love for his style– the stream of conscious flow of his words and imagery. It inspired me in my novel motivation!

This shot shows a bit of the genius of the design of this commemorative. The reflections match the background so closely that it gave the effect of the huge slabs of granite being somehow transparent! It was really cool. Also, the little park has a ton of benches, for reflecting, writing… what have you. I like it a bunch.

Along our stroll to the arena which took us WAY around to some of the more … exciting … parts of Lowell, we ran across this:

which excited me perhaps an inordinate amount. SERIFS! On a BUILDING! Held on by THOSE BAR THINGIES! It was very retro. I liked it a bunch. The building was for the Lowell Sun, the town’s long standing paper!

We also passed this:

That’s right, that says “Espresso Pizza.” I’m going to hope that means “fast pizza” and not “coffee beverage pizza”… cuz… um… 
Anyhoo, the show was GREAT! 
Super fun, and my pal Bartley, who was Dr. Doofensmirtz and also some other dancers while out of costume, really stole the show with his dancing and baton tossing and energy!
Okay, I have HIT 38k with 631 bonus words, so I am GOING TO BED now! Yay!
Catch you on the flip side, suckers! 

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I’m sad that my various camera-to-computer apparati are all at home, with no way of uploading my mahhvelous phone pics from yesterday and today to the interwebs whilst procrastinating my Writer’s Cafe time away! I’m at a word count of 30,851, with a par of 36,666 to hit today.

I have a great pic of the Hilton Garden Inn spread at the library right now. It’s epic! Let’s pretend this is it:

Okay, that’s totally ripped off of the web, but it’s pretty fantastic for real.

Also, Lexie’s was amazing last night. I also have a photo or two showing that the secret about Lexie’s is totally out now. Let’s pretend this is it:

Also, the City Council meeting last night was pretty kick-ass as well. Let’s pretend THIS is last night’s City Council meeting:

Oh, wrong again. Aren’t I so silly? My favorite quote from last night’s City Council meeting was from the ever-lovable City Attorney Sullivan. “No, we don’t propose to purchase any land that we already own.” It was in response to a question clarifying which section of land the Manager was proposing to negotiate the purchase of. The Councilor who asked had just indicated a parcel of land that is already the City’s property. Can’t get anything past our City guys! Seriously, though, City Manager Bohenko does nothing but impress every time he speaks. It’s so clear that he is right on top of everything and is great at his job. I have yet to see him stumped by any question– and the Council is made up of nine very unique individuals who all have very different focuses and different things they are concerned about and want to be held accountable for. I love to see this city’s democracy at work. And I’m also sad to see Ferrini go. I like him. He’s very Mayoral. And this from the woman who jokes about BEING the Mayor of Portsmouth. He’s a good egg. It’ll be interesting to see the change in dynamic when the new Council is sworn in! (It’s still unclear who will take the 9th seat, as the residency of one Jack Thorsen is up for investigation by the same City Attorney quoted at the top of this paragraph).

For real though, I’ll add the real pics later this evening.

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I had NOTHING on my plate today but upping my word count. I put in just over 2,000. Sigh. Some days it’s just a struggle. On the upside, I did catch up on Glee, Up All Night, The Office, Revenge and Whitney. Judge away all you want. My Hulu Queue is an open book.

Here’s my Coffee Mug art for the day:

I’ll try to be more creative when my brain isn’t totally fried on trying to elongate an underwater adventure and a breakup scene flashback. 
I am delighted to have found other uses for the ChalkInk marker! 🙂 My mirror in my bedroom is now a makeshift reminder board/calendar. I’m a bit disappointed that the tip of the marker is all bevel-y and not a round tip– it’s tougher to write on the curved mug surface. That’s my excuse for the lameness of the penmanship.
But, as Ira Glass noted, you always suck at a new thing at first. In fact, usually you suck for quite awhile before you get good. That makes me feel better.
Also, my Thanksgiving plans are ironed out, and I’ll be able to make it to see all THREE branches of parents, so hurrah! 🙂 One of the many perks of having moved home from Hawai’i, 6.000 miles away. The holidays. Can’t wait!
Insomnia, fuck off. I want to be well rested for my MONDAY tomorrow! City Council meeting at 7! Woot!
G’night sleepyheads (are you really sleepy? If so, I’m jealous. Send the sandman my way, okay? Sigh).
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