local politics

… because I again haven’t written anything. Well, I wrote 83 words yesterday, but that practically doesn’t count. I’m going to have to have another marathon weekend!

What have I been busy with? POLITICS, YO! I’ve had that page on the blog since its start, and that’s because I’m fairly involved with politics, as I think all Americans should be, at least surrounding the issues that are important to them. This being November, I’ve attended two meetings the last two nights, one on training for effective question-asking of political candidates, and the other was this evenings “Women for Obama” kick-off right in Portsmouth!

The Obama for America Portsmouth headquarters is really cool, is located right on Brewery Lane, and I got one of the very few free Obama 2012 bumper stickers that exist in NH! Woo! I also got a button for my Bailey bag that looks like this:

I learned several things that I am not afraid to admit that I previously didn’t know, one of which was the  importance of Obama having a strong Primary election outcome! To that end, I penned the following Letter to the Editor, which I hope will be printed in the Portsmouth Herald, but here it is anyway, just so I can know it was published SOMEwhere!

I am writing to urge Democrats to get out and vote for Barack Obama in the January 10 Primary Election. Some NH citizens may be unaware that a Democratic Primary is even taking place, but with 13 Democratic challengers, it is critical that President Obama receive strong, unified, early support in the fight to keep the White House. We can’t afford to lose what ground we’ve fought to gain in these hostile years since Bush’s retirement. Many Republican would-be candidates are running on a promise to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, which would cut preventive and primary care (raising the taxpayer bill for resulting ER visits), deny affordable health insurance to millions of uninsured (of which I am one), and allow insurance companies to go back to discriminating based on gender and flimsily defined preexisting conditions. A low voter turnout in the Primary would fuel Republican claims that Americans do not want Democratic leadership in the White House. This is going to be a very tough year, and the outcome of the 2012 election will determine the next iteration of our Supreme Court, the quality of education of the upcoming generation of Americans, and the extent to which we back our claims to provide equality for all Americans. The worst thing a disappointed or disheartened Democrat can do on election day is stay home and allow the catastrophe of the 2010 elections to be repeated on a larger scale. January 10th, make a resolution to VOTE!

Ta-da! There’s my word count for the day– 248! Hmmm. Can I insert that into my novel? I actually think it might be applicable… in a flashback, anyway…

I have decided to start re-rewatching the West Wing again, just in the background, and while going to sleep. It will get me in the mood for this next year…

I am determined to be asleep by 11pm tonight.

**Update, Tuesday, Nov 22: It was totally published in Monday’s paper! Here’s the link. **
