Candidate, Somersworth City Council At-Large

Somersworth City Council race


Launched in August, on the platform of “Connecting Somersworth, Fostering Community” and the idea of a Somersworth Dog Park, promoting the Little Indonesia project and advocating for a more accessible and transparent local government.

In 2021, I ran a successful campaign for Somersworth City Council, winning a seat as an At-Large City Councilor — with the most votes, surpassing all four incumbents to win one of the four at-large seats. During my campaign, I focused on my platform of “Connecting Somersworth, Fostering Community,” including the idea of a Somersworth Dog Park, promoting the Little Indonesia project and advocating for a more accessible and transparent local government.

Throughout the campaign, I engaged with community members on issues like affordable housing, sustainable development and community engagement. As a first-time candidate, I was thrilled to connect with voters across our city and share my vision for Somersworth’s future. Winning gave me a platform to advocate for the changes I believe in. Since taking office, I’ve been actively involved in local governance, working on initiatives I’m passionate about such as zoning improvements, education funding, sustainable energy projects, and economic development. It’s been an honor to serve our community and work towards making Somersworth an even better place to live for all our residents.

Follow my work on the Council here:

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