NaNoWriMo Has Begun, or, The One Where I Decide to Make a Meal Plan…

by Crystal Paradis-Catanzaro
NaNoWriMo diet

This is apparently what my dinner looks like when I studiously attend to my writing goals instead of life as I normally conduct it… Um, I think I need to do a Ramen and cold cuts run tomorrow on my way home from work.

Oh, and I’m sure you’re also dying to know what a real live novelist wears:

NaNoWriMo wardrobe

Until the next time I find the laundry supplies, this will likely be my novelist uniform. Glamorous, right? As Ray Bradbury said, “Have fun with your writing. Don’t be self-conscious and superintellectual.” I think what he’s really saying there is: wear flannel snowman pants, More Cowbell thirts, and stripey fuzzy socks, since that’s really the best way to be comfy while clacking away idealistically at your keyboard. At least, that’s how *I* read it.

I have changed my Facebook cover…

…although I have determined that Facebook is NOT the platform for NaNo fellowship and updates. Obviously, Twitter is the best NaNo platform, second being the NaNoWriMo website itself (which was in various states on over capacity last I checked—yay, writers!) but just in case you wondering, Facebook isn’t easy to integrate into your NaNo-ing. First of all, I discovered to my great ire this morning that you canNOT “Pin to Top” on a personal page. Also, Facebook doesn’t really suport PNG files, so my word count widget is stuck on “76 words” now (so really, actually, it’s totally fine that I couldn’t pin in to the top…). Anyhoo, I’ll stick with Blogger for people to find out if I’m still alive and how I’m doing (check out that widget on the top of the right column! It’s totally up-to-date!), and Twitter for human contact on my writing breaks.

Oh boy, y’all… I’m sort of psyched about my concept. It’s a bit nebulous right now… the plot is really missing, but I have a Pinterest board for inspiration (check it out for clues! comment below with your best guesses!) and a growing Rdio playlist for atmosphere. That’s all the hinting I’ll do right now, though… only 366 words in and it’s after 9:30pm already! Sheesh!

Goal of the week:

